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Penile Enhancement: The Important Factor for Sexual Satisfaction

There are always many friends who feel deeply anxious after secretly measuring the length of their penis late at night. In the movie, their penis is 18cm long, why is mine so much shorter than theirs?

Like you, worrying about the length is a common problem for men all over the world. In order to give their partners a better sexual experience, everyone is working hard to make their penis longer.

Penis length

What you don’t know is that the average length of a woman’s vagina is 7 to 12 cm, and most penises can be inserted to the bottom.

And the G-spot that women often talk about is mainly concentrated in the vaginal opening and the outer 1/3 of the vagina, about 3 to 4 cm, and almost everyone’s penis can reach this place.

In fact, in sex life, apart from factors such as partner relationship and sexual skills, erection hardness is the most important. Poor hardness will directly affect the insertion and ejaculation time, and may not be able to complete ejaculation and pregnancy.

Therefore, erection hardness is the most important factor in sexual intercourse. When you find that the erection is not hard enough, it is useless to grow it longer.

What is The Best Erection Hardness?

Many people sometimes worry that their penis is short and soft when flaccid. Fortunately, the hardness we are talking about is mainly the hardness when erect, and you have to give your penis a break.

The hardness of the penis during erection is the most important. From the perspective of sexual satisfaction, the size and length of the penis are far less important than its hardness.

Many friends already know that we like to use food or body parts as a comparison for hardness grading.

If you have been to the outpatient clinic, you will also see several cylinders of different colors as reference models for erection hardness.

According to general international standards, male erection hardness is mainly divided into 4 levels, and the higher the level, the better the hardness, as follows:

  • Level 1 : The penis is relatively soft or has only a slight swelling and erection reaction, which is the worst hardness. Similar to the hardness of tofu or lips.
  • Level 2 : The penis is swollen and erect, but the hardness is still poor. Similar to a peeled banana or a wet sponge.
  • Level 3 : The penis is well erected, but has not reached the hardest state. Similar to the hardness of an unpeeled banana or the tip of the nose.
  • Level 4 : The penis is fully erect and relatively hard. Similar to the hardness of a cucumber or forehead.

It is generally believed that the hardness of level 1 and 2 cannot be inserted into the vagina to complete sexual intercourse, while the hardness of level 3 and 4 erections can be used for sexual intercourse.

However, women with level 3 hardness are often dissatisfied with the quality of their sexual life, so level 4 hardness is the prerequisite for satisfactory sexual life and is the best hardness we are looking for.

14 Penis Enhancement Tips

Now everyone knows that erection hardness is very important. Many young men start to doubt themselves and their lives when they have a bad morning erection or a few bad sex lives, which causes great psychological pressure. Are they no longer good enough?

No! Men should never say they are no good enough!

Here are 14 exercises and techniques for erection hardness for reference. Long-term exercise is important, but psychological relaxation and cooperation with your partner are also essential. There is no permanent solution. If it doesn’t work, there are also drugs to treat it:

  1. Adjusting diet, keeping a regular schedule, and insisting on proper physical exercise and mental relaxation are the most basic. Laying a good psychological and physical foundation will make it last longer and harder;
  2. Properly control the frequency of masturbation and sexual life. Excessive indulgence will affect the hardness of erection, because the penis also needs rest;
  3. Choose a time when both parties are more relaxed for sex, and you can also create a romantic environment and atmosphere appropriately;
  4. The active cooperation of your partner is very important. Including full body caressing and kissing during foreplay; mutual communication and encouragement during the process is better than silence; occasional poor performance cannot be blamed, and caring about the other party’s feelings can lead to a harmonious sex life;
  5. Mechanical and stereotyped sex life is inevitably boring. Under the condition of ensuring safety and hygiene, appropriate stimulation of the woman’s clitoris and vulva, changing body positions, changing sex locations, and using props are all good choices. Of course, you have to respect the other party’s opinions;
  6. If you have long-term poor performance or are older, it is recommended to regularly rule out possible causes such as diabetes, hypertension, cardiovascular problems, etc., and you need to see a doctor for symptomatic treatment;
  7. When necessary, after excluding drug contraindications, under the guidance of a doctor, you can use sildenafil, tadalafil and other drugs for treatment.

Most men feel that more than half of their impotence is caused by psychological tension and lack of understanding, which is not a big problem.

The above 7 suggestions mainly focus on improving living habits, psychological relaxation, increasing stimulation from partners and appropriate medication. In particular, psychological adjustment is easily overlooked and has the greatest impact.

Regular physical exercise can help improve male sexual ability, but in addition, directly exercising the penis to improve sexual ability may be better and more direct.

Modern penis exercise is endless, all of which are aimed at strengthening the function and structure of the penis, making the erectile nerves and tissues healthier, and increasing sensitivity and feelings during sexual intercourse.

exercise tips to increase erection hardness

Here are 7 effective exercise tips to increase erection hardness:

  1. Strengthen organ function and sex hormone secretion: Use squatting to train waist strength and pelvic muscles.
  2. Jelqing or penis stretching. This is an exercise in which the thumb and index finger are placed on the non-erect penis and repeatedly pulled to increase the size. There is no evidence that jelqing is effective. In short, jelqing is not recommended.
  3. In order not to reduce sexual function, it is best to sleep naked at night to enhance testicular function.
  4. The most basic thing is to lose weight and exercise more, especially the leg muscles.
  5. Masturbation training method: Strong stimulation and one-shot ejaculation cannot achieve the purpose of training. You should hold, relax, hold, etc. with your hands, repeatedly press the penis, and this action can activate the nerves and blood vessels in it.
  6. Strengthen penis reaction. Train the penis to move up and down freely. When erect in the morning, press the penis down with your fingers at one-third of the distance from the front end of the penis. Feel its reaction, close the anus tightly, and push the penis up. It should be reminded that you should not exercise the penis too hard, and you have to control the feeling yourself. If you use too much force, it will hurt the corpus cavernosum.
  7. Use self-awareness to strengthen the parasympathetic nerves responsible for sexual erection: After defecation, close your eyes first, relax your shoulders, then release the strength from head to toe, half-close your mouth, relax your facial muscles, and then repeat short and slow abdominal breathing for 30 seconds.

Finally, don’t worry about whether your penis is long enough. There is a disease called small penis syndrome. Many people lack confidence in their normal penis size and develop an unhealthy psychological state of excessive anxiety.

Correctly understanding the above knowledge that hardness is the main factor in sexual life can naturally solve this syndrome.


Research shows that hardness is the most basic element in men’s sexual life. If the penis does not harden, it is mainly because of the problem of the penis blood vessels.

If the blood vessels are not congested enough, the hardness is not enough. Insufficient congestion is caused by problems with the endothelial cells of the blood vessels, the muscles in the blood vessels, and nerves.

Insufficient hardness is the first type of problem in erectile dysfunction. Without hardness, it cannot be inserted.

There are precautions for using the above exercise methods, such as penis exercise is best done once a day, each time for a few minutes to more than ten minutes.

Developing a long-term habit is far more effective than doing it occasionally. The intensity of stimulation should not be too strong, otherwise it will overwork the erectile muscles and nerves, and even cause penis damage.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does penis size equal sexual ability?

The size of the penis itself does not determine sexual ability. Sexual satisfaction involves many factors. The female vagina is narrow in front and wide in the back, and the sexually sensitive area is concentrated in the front third of the vagina. The key is that the penis must be hard enough and last for a long time after erection.

Is penis size hereditary?

Yes! One of the causes of a short penis is genetics. Other acquired causes include nutritional status, testicular atrophy, and excessive obesity.

Do male enhancement drugs make your penis bigger?

There are no supplements on the market that will make your penis bigger. There are many pills and creams on the market that contain vitamins and hormones. They are often advertised as tools to increase blood flow to the penis, thereby prolonging erections. However, these drugs usually only promote erections without actually increasing penis size or volume.

In addition, certain drugs may increase a man’s health risks and interact with other medications he is currently taking. Talk to your doctor before purchasing any over-the-counter penis enlargement treatments.