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Find out what it takes to have a healthy, happy, and meaningful sex and love life.

  • How To Increase Sexual Stamina? Can It Be Trained?

    Most men experience premature ejaculation when they start having sex. According to anonymous statistics, 30% of men have premature ejaculation at different times. The endurance of men has always been a concern for many men. It is not only related to men’s face, but also to their partners’ sexual happiness. But how long is normal? What is premature ejaculation? How… Read more →

  • Can CBD Really Improve Your Sex Life?

    Unlike THC, CBD does not cause a high or intoxication. Some data suggests that it may actually counteract some of the strength and adverse psychoactive effects of THC. CBD has many properties and their effects on anxiety, depression, sleep disorders, and more. They are increasingly being scientifically proven. So what about sex? Can CBD really improve your sex life? Want… Read more →

  • Sexual Function: What Factors Affect It?

    1. Sex Hormone Levels The most basic factor that determines the level of human sexual motivation (sexual desire) is the level of human hormones. Modern medical research has proven that the level of androgen in the body is the most basic factor that determines the level of sexual motivation in men and women. You read that right! Women also produce… Read more →

  • Sexuality and Aging, Maintain Sexual Health

    Can older people stay sexually active? Of course they can! Many older people desire and enjoy an active sex life. Active interest in sex, as well as satisfaction with the frequency and quality of sexual activity, are positively correlated with health in later life. So sex isn’t just for the young. Of course, sex and aging have their own challenges:… Read more →

  • Penile Enhancement: The Important Factor for Sexual Satisfaction

    There are always many friends who feel deeply anxious after secretly measuring the length of their penis late at night. In the movie, their penis is 18cm long, why is mine so much shorter than theirs? Like you, worrying about the length is a common problem for men all over the world. In order to give their partners a better… Read more →

  • Male Sexual Enhancement Methods: Improve Sexual Performance

    If you have trouble in the bedroom, it will make men feel embarrassed. And men’s poor sexual performance will cast a discordant factor on the marriage. In particular, poor performance in sex by men will inevitably affect the quality of sex and even cause dissatisfaction with their partners, so male friends definitely do not want this problem to occur. If… Read more →

  • How To Have A Better Orgasm For Male

    Orgasm and ejaculation usually occur simultaneously, but they are actually two independent events and do not necessarily have to occur simultaneously. Male orgasm is a complex physiological and psychological response to sexual arousal, usually but not always ending with ejaculation. When the penis is rubbed, the nerves that control blood flow are stimulated, and men will experience pleasure. Orgasm is… Read more →

  • Health Benefits Of Sexual Intercourse

    Having sex is a normal physiological need of men and women of the right age. Proper lovemaking is not only a pleasure for the body and mind. It’s also good for your body. You know, having sex is not just to satisfy desires, it is also an important physiological link to ensure human health. Regular sex life can add points… Read more →