1. Sex Hormone Levels
The most basic factor that determines the level of human sexual motivation (sexual desire) is the level of human hormones.
Modern medical research has proven that the level of androgen in the body is the most basic factor that determines the level of sexual motivation in men and women. You read that right! Women also produce and secrete androgen in their bodies.
Studies have shown that the higher the level of androgen in a woman’s body, the higher her level of sexual motivation, and the easier it is to get a satisfactory sexual evaluation experience.
So, what factors affect the level of sex hormones?
Congenital Factors
Congenital factors are divided into two aspects: one is genetic factors, which are determined by genes. The other is growth and development. When growth and development are good, people are full of energy and vitality, and their sex hormone levels are also at a high level; on the contrary, when growth and development are poor, their sex hormone levels are also relatively low.
Acquired Factors
After sexual development, the most important acquired factor affecting the level of sex hormones is the strength of the muscles of the motor system.
Physiologically, androgens play a decisive role in maintaining the strength of the muscles of the motor system. Under the action of the complex endocrine regulation system in the body, the level of androgens is proportional to the strength of the muscles. That is, the stronger the muscles, the higher the androgen level.
In daily life, those who are keen on sports or engaged in physical labor often have a stronger motor muscle system, so that androgens are maintained at a higher level, and therefore often have a higher sexual desire.

2. Endogenous Rhythm
Endogenous rhythm refers to the rhythm of the biological clock in the human body, and in a broad sense it also includes the changes in physiological functions caused by the passage of time.
Biological Clock Rhythm
The sexual behavior of both men and women is regulated by the biological clock rhythm, but it is most obvious in women.
The level of female sexual motivation is obviously related to the menstrual cycle, and the female menstrual cycle is actually regulated and controlled by the level of sex hormones.
Between two menstrual periods, the level of sex hormones in women reaches a high level (peak) twice, once before and after ovulation (progesterone’s androgen-like effect), and the other time before and after menstruation. During these two peaks, the level of female sexual motivation is the highest.
At this time, they often show a tendency to actively approach the opposite sex, and it is easier to get satisfactory sexual behavior evaluation.
In fact, the level of male sex hormones also has its own periodic changes, but it is not as obvious as that of women. The level of male sex hormones also shows fluctuations, and there are also periodic peaks and valleys. Some more sensitive men will notice this change.
It should be pointed out that the influence of endogenous rhythm on the level of sexual motivation is only manifested in the level of motivation, not in the presence or absence of sexual motivation.
Therefore, humans have the motivation and ability to have sex at any time. However, due to the influence of human cultural factors, almost all women try their best to avoid having sexual intercourse during menstruation to avoid a series of gynecological diseases.
Physiological Function
As men and women age, their sex hormone levels rise and fall. At this time, there is a clear difference in the transformation between men and women.
After men mature sexually, they enter puberty, and their sex hormone levels reach the highest peak in their lives. At this time, young men have strong sexual desire and strong sexual needs.
As men age, their sex hormone levels slowly decline, and their sexual needs slowly turn to calmness, and at the same time, their sexual needs slowly become emotional.
On the contrary, women may be ashamed to express their desires or even suppress their sexual desires due to cultural and ideological constraints, and often cannot fully devote themselves to sex life;
However, as they age, their sexual psychology changes greatly after marriage and childbirth. More importantly, as women’s ovarian function slowly declines, the ratio of androgens to estrogens in the body changes, and the androgen level increases relatively.
At this time, women’s sexual needs will be much higher than when they were young, and they will begin to actively pursue sex.
3. External Stimulus Factors
Human sexual behavior is a complex (accept) stimulus-(make) response pattern.
Therefore, the external key stimulus that induces and stimulates the motivation for sexual behavior becomes a very important factor in generating sexual motivation, which can affect the degree of readiness for a certain sexual behavior response or induce a certain sexual behavior.
In simple terms, only under external key stimuli (female teasing, nudity, male caressing, love words, etc.), can the sexual motivation of both parties be stimulated and a strong demand for sexual behavior be generated.
From this, it can be seen that if normal sexual behavior is to be induced, sexual stimulation must be strengthened; if the motivation level of sexual behavior is to be avoided or reduced, sexual stimulation must be weakened.
Sexual behavior is two-way, requiring mutual stimulation and mutual reaction to lead to the final sexual behavior.
4. Cultural Environment
The biggest difference between human sexual behavior and animal sexual behavior is that animals are simply driven by instinct and respond to sexual behavior; while the motivation of human sexual behavior is strongly restricted by the cultural environment.
No one will doubt that sex is a natural and instinctive need. The attitude towards sex can show a phenomenon in society: the stronger and more enlightened the society, the more relaxed the attitude towards sex; the more the society is in crisis of rule and trapped both internally and externally, the more severe the oppression of human nature.
Moral values and shame, as means of regulating human sexual behavior, are not innate. They are the product of human cultural environment, especially sexual civilization.
Moral values are not always correct and unchanging, they change with different societies and periods.
5. Sexual Experience
Sexual behavior is a type of human behavior. Behavioral science research has shown that if humans get the expected reward (spiritual or material) in the behavior they engage in, they will repeat this behavior and make it a habit.
This is called positive reinforcement; and any behavior that does not have positive reinforcement significance will gradually be abandoned by the actor through the accumulation of behavioral experience.
The same is true for sexual behavior. The intensity of sexual motivation is closely related to sexual experience. Women who have a pleasant sexual life experience will actively pursue the second and third sexual behavior, so that sexual behavior enters a virtuous circle;
And women who have repeated sexual intercourse pain, long-term sexual behavior without sexual pleasure, orgasm experience, or have been sexually assaulted will show indifference and resistance to sexual behavior. This greatly reduces her level of sexual motivation, and even resists any form of sexual behavior.
This is also the behavioral science theoretical basis for the treatment of functional sexual dysfunction. The main reason for functional sexual dysfunction is that the actor’s sexual behavior becomes boring and loses its proper attraction due to wrong sexual concepts, sexual knowledge, sexual behavior methods or painful sexual experiences. The actor will “give up” sexual behavior, which manifests as functional sexual dysfunction.
What makes people painful is that other “behaviors without positive reinforcement meaning” can be easily given up by humans, but sexual behavior cannot!
Sexual impulse is an inherent natural need derived from the instinct of life. If the person cannot vent the inherent sexual impulse needs through sexual behavior, it will find a way to vent in other forms.
Unfortunately, this is often a distorted way: for example, many women who are not satisfied with sex often inexplicably provoke quarrels and lose their temper over trivial matters; or they are depressed; some women may even somatize and manifest themselves in the form of suffering from a certain disease (neurosis).
Behavioral problems can only be solved through behavioral therapy, which is through correct sexual psychology and sexual physiology regulation.
At the same time, sexual behavior therapy is adopted to allow the client to gradually begin to experience and enjoy the joy and pleasure of sex, and to “accept” sexual behavior again. This allows sexual life to enter a virtuous cycle and fundamentally cure functional sexual dysfunction.
6. Sexual Behavior Conditions
For sex to occur between the two sexes, certain conditions must be met. It has basic requirements for the object, place, and time of sexual behavior. The degree of sexual behavior conditions often directly affects the level of sexual behavior motivation.
Dirty places often make sexual behavior motivation disappear; the appearance of the sexual object is too ugly, which will greatly reduce the level of sexual behavior motivation, unless the sexual desire is particularly strong and cannot be satisfied, then it is done;
In the case of obvious mismatch in the size of sexual organs, the level of sexual behavior motivation will also decrease.
For example, the sexual motivation of raping young girls is only possible among a few adolescents who lack sexual experience, or a few sexual dysfunctional people and the elderly who cannot have normal sex life.
Because the vagina of young girls is underdeveloped and cannot accommodate the insertion of adult penises, the perpetrators cannot obtain normal sexual satisfaction through such distorted and perverted sexual behavior.
In a comfortable and relaxed environment, facing lovers who love each other, the level of sexual behavior motivation of both parties will be greatly improved.