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Male Sexual Enhancement Methods: Improve Sexual Performance

If you have trouble in the bedroom, it will make men feel embarrassed. And men’s poor sexual performance will cast a discordant factor on the marriage.

In particular, poor performance in sex by men will inevitably affect the quality of sex and even cause dissatisfaction with their partners, so male friends definitely do not want this problem to occur.

If you encounter symptoms of impotence and premature ejaculation, don’t let this disharmonious factor destroy the beautiful love between the two. So, what are the reasons for the decline of male sexual ability? And what changes can we make?

Causes of Sexual Dysfunction

When it comes to sexual apathy, people first think of female sexual apathy. In fact, with the acceleration of the pace of modern work and life and the increase in pressure, more and more men are also experiencing sexual apathy, which is medically called low libido or hyposexuality.

When low libido affects your life, interpersonal relationships or other aspects of your health, problems arise. The causes of low libido are very complex and can be mainly divided into the following types.

1. Medication

Reasons for medication for disease: When we are ill, it will also affect our sexual desire. Common diseases such as prostatitis and epididymitis in men will cause men to have symptoms of impotence and premature ejaculation during sex.

Some male friends need to take some medicine to treat other serious diseases, but they are extremely harmful to the kidneys. In this case, sexual function will inevitably decline accordingly.

medication for disease

2. Relationship

Disharmony in relationship between husband and wife: When men have had bad sexual experiences before, they will reject sexual behavior from the bottom of their hearts, thus suppressing their sexual desire. When this behavior continues for a long time, it will lead to a gradual decrease in sexual desire.

And when you often quarrel with your wife and your relationship is not harmonious, you will definitely reject having sex with her, because your sexual desire has been suppressed by the anger brought about by the quarrel, so you will not want to have sex with your partner.

3. Age

Reasons for physical degeneration due to age: Physical reasons may be one of the biggest factors leading to male sexual dysfunction. After men reach the age of 40 or 50, the organs of the body will slowly decline. The older men are, the weaker their sexual function will be.

If there is a phenomenon of decreased sexual function, if it is not caused by kidney deficiency or other reasons, it is very likely that you do not pay attention to maintaining your body in your daily life, which leads to rapid physical degeneration.

4. Stress

Life puts too much pressure on us: worrying about job promotion, high-intensity work environment makes us tired of dealing with, these anxieties will kill sexual desire.

Excessive anxiety will trigger sympathetic nerve excitement, causing men’s sexual ability to decline. Or often engaging in physical labor or excessive fatigue from high radiation, or even excessive exercise can also be factors that cause male friends to suffer from diseases such as impotence and premature ejaculation. If a man suffers from male diseases such as prostate, it is very likely to affect his sexual function.

5. Bad Behavior

Personal bad behavior: Some people choose some small movies to help enhance their interest when they are addicted to masturbation. These small movies will not only affect physical and mental health, but also mistakenly stimulate the human brain sensory cortex. Long-term use will also cause fatigue of the brain center, premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

Especially in the process of masturbation, the intensity and speed are constantly increased, causing our body and nerves to remember such strong stimulation, resulting in severe premature ejaculation and other sexual ability degradation.

At the same time, when sex is too frequent, it will lead to the overdraft of male sexual ability, making men have no desire for sex, which will definitely lead to a gradual decrease in sexual desire.

How To Enhance Male Sexual Ability?

The above lists several common reasons that lead to the deterioration of male sexual ability. How to enhance male sexual ability? The following are several methods introduced in detail.

1. Adjust Your Mentality

Male sexual enhancement methods start with improving your mentality. Harmony between husband and wife will promote the harmony of our overall life. Harmony in sex life is even more so.

Therefore, communication between husband and wife is very necessary. Don’t always look down to play with your mobile phone. Chat more to strengthen the communication between the two people after long-term fatigue.

Adjust Your Mentality

At the same time, it is necessary to add some skills during sex. In particular, men with low sexual ability or premature ejaculation can enhance their confidence in recovery by receiving re-education on sexual knowledge. They should establish the belief that they can completely control ejaculation from a psychological and behavioral perspective.

  1. Many people say that they have nothing to say after being together for a long time. In fact, they don’t need to say it every day. Instead, they actively propose some exchanges when they are interested in it: for example, we can’t just do what we are interested in blindly. We need to discuss it. Even expressing opinions on a video is also an effective way of communication.
  2. Psychologically, we should learn to understand the characteristics and reaction performance of each stage of sex, especially the characteristics of the sexual response climax of both men and women during sex. So as to master the sex skills that suit you and avoid the occurrence of premature ejaculation.
  3. In terms of behavior, deep kissing and caressing can arouse pleasure for both parties. This will help the partner to have a better sexual experience, and you can also fully concentrate your firepower at the end and concentrate the peak of ejaculation at the end.

2. Adjust The Number of Sexual Intercourse

Don’t just pursue pleasure and frequency, put quality first. Male friends have excessive masturbation habits, and the duration of each sexual intercourse is also related to their own age. Excessive masturbation will inevitably lead to physical overdraft.

  1. Young men aged 15 to 20 are in adolescence. During this period, they are particularly susceptible to the influence of bad audio and video, which leads to the habit of masturbation addiction. Although we cannot eliminate such behavior, we must establish a correct viewing mentality, and at the same time, we must not get infected with the bad habit of heavy masturbation addiction in pursuit of temporary pleasure.
  2. Under normal circumstances, men between the ages of 20 and 30 are the most energetic stage in their lives. At this time, male friends can appropriately increase the frequency of sexual intercourse according to their actual situation. It is normal to have 3-4 times a week, and 15 minutes a time is very good.
  3. For men between the ages of 30 and 40, this period is often stressful and there are many social activities. At this time, it is better to reduce the frequency of sexual intercourse. It is more appropriate to maintain 2-3 times a week. This will not only not affect the body, but also help relieve stress. The time for each time should not be too long, generally 10 minutes is enough.
  4. After the age of 40, the quality of all aspects of the body is greatly reduced, especially for men who do not exercise regularly, the body may be relatively poor. At this time, do not have sex frequently, once a week is enough, and the time is best controlled within 5-10 minutes, which may be more beneficial to physical health.

3. Sex Toys

We know that except for a few patients who have premature ejaculation due to heredity or disease, most people have premature ejaculation due to personal behavior and mentality. If a man can have a good sexual time ability, he can enjoy a high level of sexual life.

For many men with good hardness but fast ejaculation, they hope to perform better on the spot and urgently need a method that can deal with the situation to increase the time.

  1. For men with good hardness and short time, use PDE5 inhibitors. They can enhance confidence in sex and fully demonstrate their ability in bed.
  2. I believe many people know that some brands have produced their own brand of delayed condoms. There is a special functional oil on its surface, and there is also a lasting ring, so it can guarantee that the couple’s sexual intercourse time can be extended to a certain extent, and it can also ensure that you can get more fun in the actual sexual intercourse process. So using condoms is also a good delay method.

4. Stimulate the Groin

To improve male sexual function, one of the methods is to develop the habit of massaging the scrotum directly with your hands. Regular massage will improve the circulation of the testicles.

Since fresh blood can be continuously supplied to the testicles, it will certainly enhance the function of the testicles and improve male energy.

Massage can be done once a day for 2-3 minutes each time. Use your fingers to gently rub the testicles from the upper part of the scrotum.

As mentioned above, massaging the testicles can enhance male sexual function. But what is more effective is to stimulate the inguinal canal located on both sides of the base of the penis. The groin is the pathway for blood to the testicles and connects nerves.

If the inguinal canal function is low, it will inevitably cause testicular dysfunction. Therefore, it is important to keep the blood circulation in the inguinal canal good.

The method of massaging the inguinal canal is to press the two sides of the base of the penis with two fingers respectively, stroking from top to bottom, to stimulate the blood flow to the testicles. Massage once a day, and you can massage yourself in bed before going to bed every night.

5. Exercise and Diet

Men’s penis is weak and soft and the duration is short. Once we find a problem, it will directly affect our physical health.

We should do preventive work in normal times and take good care of our body. Taking good care of your body not only protects yourself, but also protects your partner. You can adjust it through the following methods:

  1. Do moderate exercise every day. For example, maintain enough exercise every week or every day, you can do yoga, dance, aerobics, run, play ball, and climb mountains outdoors. These exercises can effectively increase the metabolism of kidney function and accelerate the blood circulation and kidney qi generation of the kidneys.
  2. Improve the quality of sleep. Sleep is very important for human health. Ensure eight hours of high-quality sleep every day, go to bed early and get up early, and have a regular work and rest schedule. It is best to go to bed before ten o’clock, and get up before seven o’clock in the morning to drink water and detoxify. The quantity and quality of water are very important for kidney nourishment.
  3. The diet should be balanced. Do not consume too much salt, as salt will increase the burden on the kidneys. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. You can eat more kidney-tonifying foods, such as black foods, black sesame seeds, and black rice. For fruits, eat more apples and bananas. Fruits rich in vitamins and minerals are good for the kidneys.


There are many ways to enhance male sexuality. The above summarizes some common coping methods. We need to treat controllable and uncontrollable ones separately.

For example, if we are under too much mental stress, we need to relax and have a good rest. If there is a gap in the relationship between husband and wife, we should take the initiative to eliminate this gap, etc., which are targeted adjustments. Pay special attention to excessive tension or excitement, fatigue, extreme depression, too frequent sex, etc., which lead to premature ejaculation, impotence and decreased sexual ability in men.

It also requires detailed communication between the two. Communication and mutual understanding between husband and wife are the key to improvement.

Like any health-related adjustments, it is important to consult medical professionals before making significant changes to diet or daily life. If you have any questions about sexual health, your doctor can help you.