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What Foods Help With Erection?

Adopting a healthy diet and other positive lifestyle habits can help prevent erectile dysfunction. This is worth highlighting because it is a problem that affects a large number of men at some point in their lives.

There are foods that can help you have a good erection and a more enjoyable sexual relationship. Although this is not usually one of the functions that you would expect to improve with a healthy diet, it still exists.

Today we will tell you about some dietary habits and certain products that affect sexual and reproductive health, especially in men. Keep reading to find out.

Causes of Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for satisfying sexual activity.

It is a multifaceted problem that is common to many men throughout their lives. Erectile dysfunction is a common medical problem that affects approximately 15% of men each year. According to estimates, this number is expected to rise to 320 million by 2025.

Experts say erection problems can have a variety of causes, such as:

  1. The nervous and circulatory systems also play a role in the erectile reflex.
  2. In some cases, it has psychological roots, such as anxiety, depression or stress.
  3. It is also a side effect of certain medications, such as beta blockers used for heart disease.
  4. On a hormonal level, they are related to low levels of testosterone, the sex hormone responsible for regulating sexual desire and erections.

What Foods Contribute to Good Erections?

When considering which foods contribute to a good erection, the above reasons must be taken into account. Although some are unchangeable, in other cases a good food choice can have a positive impact.

For example, all foods that contribute to the optimal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems are suitable. Likewise, those that promote testosterone secretion.

In addition, it is important to consider all habitual patterns that have a negative impact on erectile function.

1. Monounsaturated Fats

In order to produce sufficient levels of testosterone, the body needs cholesterol. Therefore, introducing fatty foods into the diet is very important.

Monounsaturated Fats

In this sense, dietary interventions can increase the levels of male hormones in the blood of people who adhere to a high-fat diet, rather than a carbohydrate rich diet. However, not all types of lipids are suitable for this purpose.

It is beneficial to choose extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil and avocado oil because they are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. Omega 3 acids in oily fish also help. In addition, they are protectors of the cardiovascular system and the arteries that supply blood to the male reproductive system.

2. Zinc

This trace element is crucial for growth, immunity, and reproduction. It plays a crucial role in the development and function of male genitalia.

It is speculated that zinc sulfate therapy can improve sexual activity. For this, we must add some data indicating that low testosterone levels in the diet are associated with lower testosterone production.

Here is a list of foods that can help with erections, as they are among the richest in zinc:

  • Eggs.
  • Dark chocolate.
  • Pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, and Brazil nuts.
  • Mollusks and crustaceans, such as oysters, crabs, and lobsters.

At present, it is best to ensure these food sources in a natural diet rather than resorting to artificial preparations. More research is needed to evaluate the convenience, safety, and side effects of zinc supplements.

3. Nitric Oxide

The role of this neurotransmitter (produced in neural tissue) in erectile function has been explained and detailed in many studies.

After the initial sexual stimulation that initiates an erection, blood vessels must continue to produce nitric oxide to sustain it for a longer period of time and make it harder.

Some foods can promote the production of this substance and can be regularly included in the diet. These are walnuts, salmon, dark chocolate, and all vegetables rich in folate (spinach, chives, or asparagus).

4. Red Fruits

One of the main components of strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and blueberries is anthocyanins. These compounds have very interesting antioxidant activity in the problem of erectile dysfunction.

Red Fruits

The action of antioxidants is related to nitric acid, since the free radicals present in large quantities in the body prevent or block its secretion.

In cardiovascular and metabolic pathologies affecting the arteries, the control of cellular oxidation processes is a pillar to improve the quality of life.

Negative Effects of Diet on Erectile Function

In addition to understanding which foods contribute to good erections, it is important to emphasize which dietary patterns can cause difficulty in achieving an erection.

Most of them are not related to specific foods, but rather to some habits and dietary structures.

The factors that have a negative impact are as follows:

  • A very strict low-fat diet.
  • High body mass index and the presence of overweight or obesity.
  • A dietary pattern dominated by red meat, refined flour, processed foods, and simple sugars.

Final Note

A diet rich in fatty fish, nuts, red fruits, pumpkin seeds, eggs and green leafy vegetables can improve erectile dysfunction problems. They may not be in your usual diet plan, but now that you know their benefits, you can include them in it.

In addition to the specific benefits we mentioned here, a healthy diet rich in fruits and vegetables, fish, and lean meat can help you reduce weight and cholesterol, and ensure your cardiovascular health. All of these will increase your chances of avoiding erectile dysfunction.

This diet will be more effective if accompanied by healthy living habits, avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, excessive drinking and smoking.

If in doubt, consult a doctor and a nutritionist. It is important to adjust the regimen to each patient’s condition to achieve significant improvements.